Are ASK HAL inquiries real?

Some are, but some I make up based on actual past correspondence and editorials. In all cases, I edit the questions and answers to try to be satirically entertaining.

ASK HAL jokes with the truth and makes fun of Hal's adversaries. But be clear that it is not the intent of ASK HAL to name-call or make fun of individuals or groups based only on ethnicity.

I have gotten emails criticizing ASK HAL, accusing me of "giving them ideas."

Let it be known that I didn't give the 9/11 hijackers their idea. Anyone smart enough to learn to fly an airliner into a high rise building doesn't need my help in figuring out their next project plans. Illegal aliens and terrorists (sometimes one in the same) already know how to infiltrate America.

I post ASK HAL emails as a wake up call for the benefit of our brain-dead politicians who don't seem to have a clue about the peril America is in.

Hal Netkin

Hal Netkin