Typical Hard Drive
Reference to "Master / Slave
The above is a typical Hard Drive found in all computers. These hard drives are fastened in the main computer housing where no one could see the "offensive" labeling unless they took the computer apart. If the county wanted to make the "corrections" to obviate the concerns of one individual who was offended, all the hard drives of all the county computers would have to be removed and relabeled. Moreover, any new computeres ordered by the county, would have to be specially labeled. In effect, the computer manufacturers' could no longer price their computers for the county based on their hard drive suppliers' increased prices based on hard drives pulled from mass production lines to be manufactured in smaller quantities to meet the county's special requirements.

What's next, relabel all the connectors on all county electronic equipment labeled male and female?

See blowup below
L.A. County PC (politically correct) insanity.