The President, the Democratic party, and most Republicans are responsible for lack of enforcement of our immigration laws. Ironically, Republicans who favor massive immigration from third world countries are signing the death warrant for the Republican party. Why? Because nearly all immigrants, especially Hispanic immigrants, legal and illegal, vote for the party that promises more entitlements and cultural accommodations (such as bilingual education).

It may be too late even if the Birth Right law were repealed. If illegal immigration were halted today those children born to illegal aliens who received automatic citizenship would grow the Democrat party exponentially and render the Republican party virtually extinct leaving the U.S. with one party -- the Democrats. This could happen in just three generations.

For those of you who do not know what exponential growth is, let me give you an example: If the estimated 6 million illegal alien couples (12 million people -- to use a low figure), now in the U.S. each have four Democrat voting U.S. citizen children, the next generation will yield 12 million Democrat voting U.S. citizen couples (24 million people). If those 12 million couples each have four Democrat voting U.S. citizen children, the next generation will yield 24 million Democrat voting U.S. citizen couples (48 million people). If those 24 million couples each have four Democrat voting U.S. citizen children, the next generation will yield 48 million Democrat voting U.S. citizen couples (96 million people). In only three generations, the original 6 million illegal alien couples will have produced 96 million Democrat voting U.S. citizens. Cumulatively  that number would be much higher since not all of the earlier generations will have died off. And that's not counting any future amnesty and guest worker programs advocated by Obama and all the open border crowd. Even if the above numbers were halved, the demise of the Republican party is inevitable.

For those of you who believe that if Republicans advocated "Comprehensive Immigration" along with Democrats, that Hispanics would vote for them too, then I want to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.

Roy Beck's famous gum ball demonstration video says it all. This video is a sobering 14 minute presentation by NumbersUSA on how immigration (legal and illegal) is destroying America for your children and grand children.

It is important to note that this video, "Immigration by the Numbers" was produced in 1996. Thus, when NumbersUSA's Roy Beck, the producer, says that something must be done "now" to save America within 15 years, realize that 15 years has already passed since the video was made -- it may already be too late. Note also that when Roy talks about the next century, he is talking about this 21st century already here.


A sobering Video
Watch this sobering video