"Everyone Deserves a Chance to Learn How to Open a Bank Account Today," Governor Schwarzenegger
"Bank on California" Money Laundering Scheme May Do for the State What Mortgage Meltdown Did for the Nation
The state of California will go broke by March of 2009.  Over the cliff we’ll go and to make sure there is no looking back, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger gave us an extra shove in the back – the Bank on California scheme.
Last week the Governor has startled even his most adoring followers.  He launched a program called "Bank on California" for the express purpose of allowing illegal aliens to open bank accounts and get loans using the fraudulent Mexican Matricula Consular and Central American "consular identification cards".

These consular identification cards, which the FBI says only illegal aliens need, can be purchased for as little as $20 on any big city street corner or for $40 from an official Mexican consulate.  In the last few years the Mexican government has put a fleet of Mexican Consulates on wheels for the purpose of handing out Matricula Consular identification cards in any town and village in America where Mexican illegal aliens can be found.  In some instances American public schools and libraries with administrators sympathetic to illegal aliens and open borders are allowing the mobile consular identification operations to issue these questionable identifications from classrooms and meeting rooms, to the outrage of tax-payer groups.

U.S. Congressman Ted Poe Calls the Matricula Consular a Hoax and a National Security Risk

U.S. Congressman Ted Poe, at a recent Congressional Hearing on Financial Services, testified that the Matricula Consular poses a security risk for the United States.  He pointed out the following facts uncovered by his investigation:
Mexican Banks in Mexico DO NOT accept Matricula Consular as a valid identification.
The Matricula Consular can be obtained without authentication of the applicant. 
The Matricula Consular can be easily forged with any desired identity and can be purchased either from the Mexican consulate or from false counterfeiters for under $40.
The U.S. banks that accept the Matricula Consular have no means to verify that the Matricula Consular is valid.
A Congressman Poe staffer was able to get a Matricula Consular issued in his name using the address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, for the purpose of demonstrating how unreliable it is.
Watch Lou Dobbs on CNN re B of A (treason)

The above facts may not be known by ordinary California citizens, but all illegal alien advocacy groups, Congressmen, Senators, State Assembly and Senate members and Governor Schwarzenegger know that the Matricula Consular is a bogus form of identification needed and used exclusively by illegal aliens.

Steve McCraw, Assistant Director of the FBI Office of Intelligence, Testified that the Matricula Consular is Invalid and a National Security Risk

Quotes from McCraw’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Immigration and Border Security:
"Consular ID cards are primarily being utilized by illegal aliens in the United States". 
"The U.S. Government has done an extensive amount of research on the Matricula Consular, to assess its viability as a reliable means of identification.”
“The Department of Justice and the FBI have concluded that the Matricula Consular is not a reliable form of identification, due to the non-existence of any means of verifying the true identity of the card holder.” 
“The Matricula Consular is the perfect breeder document to secure other legitimate forms of identification and pose a substantial risk of misuse, including misuse by terrorists." 

The complete FBI testimony can be read here.

Should we risk America’s National Security by Accepting Documents Created by Foreign Governments and Counterfeiting Criminal Enterprises?

Over 3000 victims paid with their lives for America’s lax laws on personal identification.  Eighteen of the 19 terrorists possessed either state issued or counterfeit driver’s licenses or ID cards; and all 19 possessed Social Security numbers – real, counterfeited or stolen.

You would have thought that outlawing Matriculas after 9/11 would have been a no-brainer. Instead, terrorists posing as illegal aliens can board airplanes.
Consular cards allows non-citizens who are in the country illegally to use identification documents issued by foreign governments for the express purpose of bypassing the United States security laws. 
Illegal aliens abuse of the Matricula Consular undermines immigration policy and weakens the mechanisms that congress put in place after 9/11 to safeguard American businesses and financial institutions against fraud and abuse; and more importantly to save lives.
Unlike state issued driver's licenses, local law enforcement cannot verify the information contained on the matricula with a state database because none exists.
Under pressure from banks and others who would like to help illegal aliens part with their money, Congress has been hesitant to outright ban the Matricula Consular.  Why has Congress failed to outlaw the Matricula Consular and other consular ID cards which enable millions of illegal aliens to launder their illicit earnings?  The answer may be found in the bank and financial service lobbying offices in Washington D.C.
According to Opensecrets.org, the Web site for the Center for Responsive Politics, from 1989 to present, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd has accepted a total of $13,205,556 in campaign contributions, both in PAC and individual money, from the finance, insurance or real estate sectors.  Committee Chairman Dodd and President Elect Barack Obama have benefited from VIP loans from the defunct mortgage broker Country Wide.  Ordinary Americans are not offered VIP loans, but then ordinary Americans don’t sit on the Senate Banking Committee.
This policy is risky and unfair to foreign governments whose ID cards are not approved.  United States government acceptance of consular cards from Mexico, Honduras and Peru encourages other countries to introduce consular cards for their citizens living illegally in the United States.  Having a myriad of foreign consular cards in circulation, none of them issued under United States control nor verifiable by banks, represent an unacceptable national security risk.

"Bank Accounts for Everybody”

The "Bank on California" program is a sham to provide illegal aliens bank accounts and bank loans they could not get if normal and sound business practices were followed.

Illegal aliens are in the country illegally.  The penalty for illegally residing or working in the United States is deportation.  If illegal aliens are suddenly deported, will they continue to make payment from Mexico, or another country of origin, on credit cards, home mortgages or car loans?  Of course not.

The state of California is almost $50 billion in the red and the "Bank on California" program will make matters worse.  Vigorous immigration law enforcement and the secondary mass deportations or voluntary deportations could cause an Armageddon of defaults and a meltdown of major banks in California.

Exodus of Businesses and Taxpayers from California - Why?

For the last four years more wealth and employment creating businesses and tax payers have left the state than have entered.  California now leads the nation with interventionist Nanny state policies, energy policies that choke growth and employment, the highest sales and income taxes in the nation; and a stubborn refusal to enforce laws that would protect American jobs and reduce the state´s social services burden.

The state´s net population inflow is swollen by millions of illiterate, poor illegal aliens.  Countless studies over the past 40 years document that the same criminal cartels that control drug trafficking also control human trafficking and prostitution of young foreign women.

The typical Mexican illegal alien has 4 years of schooling and is illiterate in his/her pre-Columbian language, Spanish and English.

A 2006 Heritage Foundation study concluded that illiterates and high school drop-outs, whether they are homegrown or imported, cost the taxpayers a net $1 million in social services more than they contribute in taxes over their lifetime.  Most illegal aliens have little education and are illiteracy making them prime candidates for social services that burden citizen-taxpayers. Shutting off the flow of illiterate illegal aliens and improving education so we can graduate better than the dismal 50% of the students that we graduate today would save the state billions of dollars and help prevent state bankruptcy.

Does it make sense to offer illiterate foreign populations assistance in remaining illegally in the United States?  What is the purpose of helping illegal aliens open bank accounts?

Multimillion dollar border tunnels the cartels dig to funnel drugs through the United States border also bring 2 to 3 million illegal aliens every year.  More ominously, the cartels, which are in it strictly for the money, are also smuggling thousands of foreigners from countries known to harbor terrorists.  Congressional investigations have found irrefutable evidence of Middle Eastern human trafficking bearing counterfeit "Hispanic" identities.  Match those potential terrorists with a Matricula Consular and we have a serious threat to life and security in California.
Last month a Lebanese-born naturalized Mexican citizen from Tijuana was convicted and sentence to 60 years in prison for smuggling Lebanese nationals who are potential Hezbollah terrorists into the United States pretending to be ordinary Mexican illegal border crossers.(read background and read recent)

Do we want Governor Schwarzenegger to help Hezbollah terrorists using counterfeit Matricula Consular IDs to bank at our local Banks even when the Department of Justice thinks it a bad idea?
Human Trafficking is Not Free

In many cases, the foreign invaders are forced by the cartels to carry backpacks with drugs as part of their contract.   Each backpack can carry as much as $50,000 in narcotics destined for American school children and to be consumed by pilots, bus drivers and others who pose a threat to our lives.

Once in the United States the illegal aliens are placed in "clown houses" (secured locations controlled by the cartels) until the families of the illegals pay the trafficking fee.  From that point forward the illegal aliens who are fully paid are released by the cartels in cities where immigration laws are not enforced or not allowed to be enforced. 

Cities that turn a blind eye to national security and immigration law enforcement are called Sanctuary Cities. The relationship between illegal aliens and the cartels continues after the illegals are released into illegal alien enclaves in Sanctuary Cities. Next, the illegal aliens proceed to secure counterfeit or stolen documentation and jobs. 

The drug cartels run America´s counterfeit documentation business and rake in many millions of dollars annually from these activities. The cartels have virtually unlimited amounts of money to produce high quality fraudulent documents; and the false documents that they create are indiscernible from the real ones.

Once illegal aliens are integrated into the shadowy illegal alien underground, some discover that by joining established criminal gangs that serve as the distribution network of the criminal drug and human trafficking cartels, they can make more money in on week than other illegal aliens working at minimum wage earn in a year of doing back-breaking work.
Whether illegal aliens earn a pittance or thousands of dollars per week pushing drugs for the cartels, they need banking services.  If banking services were limited to citizens, legal residents and people holding valid foreign passports and visas, illegal aliens would face money laundering difficulties.  This is where the Governor comes in.  Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to offer illegal aliens a hand in laundering their illicit earnings with the help of large California banks.
The number of gang members working as part of the Mexican criminal cartels is staggering. There are many gangs competing for the drug distribution business.  The most dangerous and bloody of them is MS-13.  According to the FBI as of 2007, there were as many as 100,000 MS-13 active members.  In the Los Angeles area alone, the aggregate of competing gangs plying the trade, most of them illegal aliens, is close to 100,000. 

There Were Over 6,000 Trafficking Related Murders in 2007 Along the U.S. Mexican Border

For a jaw-dropping exposé on the corrupting influence of the cartels on American elected officials, view the internationally acclaimed documentaries: "Drug Wars", by director Rusty Fleming; and "Border" by director Chris Burgard – both available in a video store near you, but apparently not near Governor Schwarzenegger´s home in Santa Monica.

The illegal aliens the Governor is throwing a lifeline to, are valued and protected by an assortment of special interests that benefit or profit from their presence.

Among the top profit-sharing beneficiaries of trading in cheap labor are the banks.  They handle $23 billion in illegal workers’ foreign remittances to their home countries.  The banks now envision making a margin on the money that they keep in the United States hidden from view of Homeland Security and law enforcement.  Naturally business big and small benefit immensely from illegal cheap labor at the expense of ethical businesses and the American workers.

American workers are pesky.  They know their rights, demand medical insurance and Workmen´s Compensation for on the job injuries and protection against environmental and job related hazards and expect a living wage.  American workers also indirectly force employers to pay payroll taxes because the American workers hold valid Social Security numbers and declare their income to the Internal Revenue Service and the State Tax Franchise Board.

Given the opportunity, unethical employers will chose cheap illegal workers over American workers.  Arnold Schwarzenegger would do well to show compassion for the millions of unemployed American workers instead of misusing the power of his office for the profit of his Bank on California partners, the major banks doing business in the state.

11 Million Americans are Victimized by Identity Theft Annually

The Bank on California program, by making it easier for illegal aliens to bank the money they earn illegally may stoke an increase in the theft and counterfeiting of documents that the illegal aliens require to earn their income. The governor’s bank partners look upon the illegal aliens as a profit center to be tapped into, leaving the painful impact of the illegal alien activities to be suffered by ordinary citizens.

A Massive Foreign Invasion of People with Territorial Claims is leading to social unrest

Governmental action that encourages large scale occupation of the land by foreigners, by for example making it easier for illegal aliens to launder their illicit earnings, is irresponsible and carries consequences. 

One dreadful consequence of government ignoring the surge in Mexican nationals violating our borders and outpacing the growth of the native population is bloody social upheaval in the years ahead.  The danger comes from the duality of Mexican nationalism and Mexican race-based territorial claims over parts of the United States. The aim of Mexican nationalists whether they reside in Mexico or the United States is to retake what they believe are lost Mexican territories.  This is called "Reconquista". The Mexican nationalists understand that cheap-labor employers are exploiting them, but they take the long view that illegal employment of a massive illegal population from Mexico will eventually lead to a political takeover of California and other states by Mexican nationalists. 

Reconquista advocates take whatever advantage is handed to them by elected officials, such as programs to help them get bank accounts, recognizing that politicians are attentive to the 2 to 4 year election cycles not the long term consequences; and that their positions are influenced by political contributions from businesses that in some cases benefit from cheap foreign labor – legal or illegal.

Among the best known Mexican nationalists are Los Angeles City Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa (birth name Villar) a former leader of the Mexican nationalist MEChA organization; and Fabian Nunez, Speaker of the Assembly, another MEChista.

Mayor Villaraigosa, for example, has declared Los Angeles a "Sanctuary City" where federal immigration laws are not enforced and where millions of illegal aliens live without fear of deportation.

The Mexican nationalist members of the state Assembly and Senate, with the help of allies, have introduced a wealth of open borders and illegal alien pandering legislation in the last decade.  The objective is to create a welcoming environment for illegal aliens and to bring about a sea change in the state demographics. Numerical superiority means Reconquista.

Among the measures advocated by Mexican nationalists serving in Sacramento are driver´s licenses for illegal aliens which give them a recognizable identification card.  Getting a driver’s license allow them to vote illegally if they wish to take that chance.  California is one of a number of states where applicants for a driver’s license are asked to put a checkmark indicating if they are United States citizens.  Applicants are taken at their word as no documentary proof is necessary.  Soon after the license is issued, a voter registration card comes in the mail ready to be misused.  Federal and state laws prohibit poll workers from challenging whatever identification voters show up with on Election Day.

Another notorious Mexican nationalist is Gil Cedillo who serves in the California state Senate.  Gill has introduced no less than 23 Bills pressing for driver´s licenses for illegal aliens.  Gil Cedillo who is affectionately known as "One Bill Gill" due to his obsession for giving driver´s licenses to illegal aliens, was also the State Director of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).  The SEIU is a union founded by Wade Rathke, a co-founder of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS); and the Weather Underground, the murderous domestic terrorist group lead by Bill Ayers.

Gil Cedillo carries a lot of clout.  The SEIU gave the Democrat Party $26,849,872 or 96% of their contributions in 2007.  That makes the SEIU the 8th largest lobbying group in the United States and California.  The SEIU openly lobbies for open borders, illegal alien "rights", and illegal alien SEIU union membership.  Isn´t it ironic that the SEIU recruits illegal aliens into the union, when those illegal aliens do not have the right to work in the United States?  Any politician, like Governor Schwarzenegger, must lock step with the SEIU if they want to get on their political contribution gravy train.
The Schwarzenegger "Bank on California" program panders to illegal aliens and is part of an array of measures to make the life of illegal aliens in California more comfortable.  Examples are driver´s licenses, free education, in-state tuition fees and free medical care.
The cost to California taxpayers for the folly of pandering to illegal aliens is up to $12 billion per year or about $1,400 per California family.  How many of us have $1,400 to spare this year?  Let the Governor know.

Mexican nationalists living in California, some of them serving in the state Assembly and Senate feel justified in giving Mexican illegal aliens a pass on their illegal activities because they consider parts of the United States as Mexican stolen land and Mexicans living here as entitled to benefits.

In Cedillo's eyes, a program like Bank on California is not an unlawful entitlement but a right. Listen

For over 130 years every Mexican child has been raised on school books spouting the belief that California was stolen from Mexico.  No matter what polite citizens of Mexico may tell you, in their hearts many believe in one or more versions of a Mexican race-based and or political territorial claim against the United States, California included.

The Mexican "Reconquista" movement might be driven by mythology, but the number of foreign nationals within our state and their allies who believe in it are powerful and dangerous due to their vast numbers and the ignorance and or lack of patriotism of their American allies.

The entire premise behind "Bank on California" is based on falsehoods and sleight of hand.  The first false premise is that people need "help" in opening a bank account.  Who is the Governor trying to fool?  To what degree are we going to tolerate a Nanny Government that intrudes into petty discretionary personal matters, like opening a no-brainer bank account?

Any person reading this article can take no more than $20 to any bank in California and open a bank account in 20 minutes or less and get a donut and a cup of coffee while waiting. 

The Governor on his "Bank on California" website gives us a sob story about the percentages of "victims” in victim social classes that do not have a bank account.  Not surprisingly a percentage of Hispanics do not have bank accounts.  What the Governor is really trying to say is that millions of Hispanic illegal aliens are afraid to put their illicit money in the bank for fear of blowing their cover.  There is no justification for the Governor to put the seal of the state of California or spend tax-payers money to promote bank accounts and loans for illegal aliens or for anyone for that matter.

"Loans for Everybody", boasts Governor Schwarzenegger

Visit the official state of California "Bank on California" website, BankOnCalifornia.ca.gov.  Many of the banks listed as partners were embroiled in the risky lending practices that are bankrupting the nation.  These banks have gotten $1 trillion in taxpayer bailout money so far.  Why would the Governor encourage a new wave of risky bank services for illegal aliens now?

We are heading into a financial crisis worse than the Great Depression because banks made loans, under government pressure, to people they knew could not pay for them.  Illegal aliens are subject to deportation at anytime. If deported, they will default on loans they take out under the Governor´s plan.

Deported illegal aliens would have no incentive to continue to pay off loans in the United States for home, cars and businesses that they can no longer posses or return to.  The Governor may well be putting in the last nail in the coffin of the California economy.

The Governor wants to be "liked" by what he sees as the people who will soon be the majority in this state, especially if cheap-labor lobbyists succeed in buying enough influence to get a general illegal alien amnesty bill passed.  Nevada Senator Harry Reid (D) has just re-introduced an Amnesty Bill after having suffered 6 consecutive amnesty defeats in the last 8 years.  Cheap-labor amnesty advocates will never give up.

Governor Schwarzenegger is showing great insensitivity to the citizens and tax payers of the Golden State.

On a CBS interview yesterday Schwarzenegger said that he would like to run for President of the United States if being a "natural born citizen" were not a Constitutional requirement.  Whatever his political ambitions, getting political contributions from cheap-labor corporate interests, cannot hurt.  What price will we pay to stoke his political career?

"Bank on California” Program Enables Money Laundering of Illicit Earnings

Governor Schwarzenegger, should show us that he is not aiding and abetting illegal activities on the part of illegal aliens and the cheap labor profiteers.  He should make it mandatory that the banks submit to the Department of Homeland Security detailed contact information on every foreigner that applies for a bank account or bank loan on the basis of a Mexican Matricula Consular or other Consular identity card.  Impose a fine of no less than $10,000 for every bank infraction on this regulation.

One way the banks or the state could directly check the legal status of a bank account or loan applicant submitting a Matricula Consular or other consular or foreign government identification is to participate in the free and simple federal program called “Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements” or SAVE ACT.  Participation in the SAVE ACT would give the state or the banks (under authority from the state) access to information contained in the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) databases, which includes information on over 100 million records.

What Illegal Aliens Themselves are Saying

Whereas the major English language Television program viewers are in decline and many of them are seniors, the two Spanish language Television stations have grown over 70% in 10 years.

The most watched Television station in American for those who are between 18 and 34 years of age is Spanish language Univision.  What this tells you is that our elected officials' policy of providing cheap-labor profiteers with a steady supply of illegal aliens by not protecting the border and not enforcing immigration law, will result in a Spanish speaking majority in America in as little as 20 years.

The failure to enforce the law or as is the case with the Governor’s Bank on California program, pandering to illegal aliens, has already had a serious impact on the state’s demographics.  Those who believe that Mexico has a legitimate territorial claim against the United States may soon be the majority even if their presence is illegal.

While the English speaking mainstream Media reports on the Governor´s "Bank on California" program in childish naiveté or, as some would say, with their typical vacuous superficiality; there is in-depth coverage of the Bank on California program on Spanish language Media.

One such forum can be found in Univision.com.  Under the topic of "Banks and Loans" (bancos y prestamos) there are hundreds of comments in reaction to the launching of Bank on California.  Most of the comments are from self-identified "undocumented aliens" which is the Hispanic community code for Illegal Alien. I know - I am a foreign-born Hispanic immigrant, now a naturalized citizen.  I monitor these forums and follow Hispanic media with native fluency in the language and a complete understanding of the Hispanic immigrant experience.

A small minority of the forum participants express the opinion that "Bank on California" is a plan to trap them and that they could eventually be turned over to the Immigration Authorities.

The vast majority, however, see it as a step in the right direction to enable them to function illegally in the United States and to more easily integrate their illegal earnings into the financial mainstream.  A great many of them write that they need more help.  For example, they say that they need valid driver´s licenses; and perhaps on top of the wish list is universal Amnesty (a forgiveness of their crimes).  Bank on California would basically lose its usefulness if our elected officials simply granted the 22 million illegal aliens in the country the Amnesty that their cheap-labor employers lobby for so feverishly.

Prep Questions for the Media

Here are some obvious media prep questions. Don’t let the Hollywood governor charm you.

What the Governor Gives in Bank Services Fee Savings, the Governor Takes Away in Higher Taxes

On the governor’s website for Bank on California, he shows great concern over the higher fees that the unbanked pay exchange houses.  He argues that the unbanked could save about $500 annually on those financial services fees.  Although it is not addressed directly, what the Governor is referring to is that illegal aliens would pay lower fees if they made the foreign remittances and other bank transactions through one of his partner banks in Bank on California.

The $500 in foreign bank remittances and other financial service charges Governor Schwarzenegger “saves” illegal aliens under the “Bank on California” program; the Governor takes away in his proposed higher sales tax and fees to balance the $50 billion state budget overspending.  Ask the governor if it makes sense to save the “unbanked” $500 in bank charges and then take from the same people more than $500 in new sales tax and even more in new taxes?

Governor, why not just exempt illegal aliens from paying sales tax by presenting their Matricula Consular at the stores and markets where they make their purchases? Wouldn’t that give them faster and greater relief from costs that the rest of us have to pay?

Financial Services and Advice from the Experts

Notice who is going to give sound financial advice to unbanked illegal aliens:
A Governor and legislators that have run a $50 billion state budget deficit and billions in unfounded liabilities
The nation’s largest banks which have gotten $1 trillion in bailout taxpayer money to rescue them from their unconscionable and some say criminal business practices.  Among the bank’s irresponsible practices are billions of dollars in mortgages and other loans to unqualified illegal alien applicants.
The Governor Want to Educate the Few and Let the Most Stay Ignorant

The Governor in his website for Bank on California sets the goal of educating the unbanked on the use of financial services and on basic skills like balancing a check book.  The goal, as stated on the website, is to help the partner banks acquire up 100,000 new customers per year.

Why has Governor Schwarzenegger selected prospective illegal alien bank clients for teaching basic math skills like balancing a checkbook? Fifty percent of California high school students and a greater percent of Hispanic high school students are dropping out of high school unable to read or do simple math like balancing a checkbook.  In Los Angeles where the illegal alien population is very dense, those few that graduate do so with as little as 13% proficiency in English and 3% proficiency in Math.
Governor, why don’t you set a goal of graduating at least another 100,000 high school students per year instead of opening 100,000 new bank accounts for illegal aliens?
The State of California and the Banks’ are on Shaky Ground Regarding Money Laundering, Conspiracy and Racketeering

Title 8 Sec. 1324 of the Code of Federal Regulations makes it illegal to aid and abet aliens who violate the United States borders and who illegally reside and work in the country.

Steve McCraw, Assistant Director of the FBI’s testimony before Congress doesn’t leave any doubt; only illegal aliens require a Matricula consular.  Aliens who are unable to produce a secure federal or state identification issued card or a valid foreign passport with a non-expired visa to open a bank account and instead produce a Matricula Consular or other consular identification are in all probabilities illegal aliens. 

Governor Schwarzenegger, the state legislators; and bank executives and managers know or are in reckless disregard of knowing that people identifying themselves with a Matricula Consular or other consular card for receiving state services or opening a bank account are in fact illegally in the United States and that their income is illicitly acquired. 

Since banks cannot be certain of the holder’s true identity and their permanent residency, accepting the Matricula Consular may be in violation of money laundering laws. 

Money laundering occurs when banks handle money from individuals whose identity is questionable, whose contact information is not reliable and whose funds are or can be reasonably assumed to be from an illicit source.  The wording in the Act reads:  "the process by which one conceals the existence, illegal source, or illegal application of income and then disguises that income to make it appear legitimate."

Illegal aliens cannot legally possess a Social Security card and are not allowed to work and earn income.  The result is that the income earned by up to 22 million illegal alien is illegal income.  The banks know it and the governor knows it.

The IRS defines money laundering as:  “activities and financial transactions that are undertaken specifically to hide the true source of the money”. In most cases, the money involved is earned from an illegal enterprise and the goal is to give that money the appearance of coming from a legitimate source.

The practice of accepting Matricula Consular for the purpose of allowing illegal income to be integrated into mainstream financial institution, as if it were legitimate income, appear disingenuous, irresponsible and possibly illegal?  Shouldn’t the United States Attorney General investigate possible wrong doing relative to Bank on California?

California is on a Collision Course

California will run out of money by March of this year. Bank on California is a program that we cannot afford, that we should not be supporting; and that will make solving California´s economic problems much harder to solve. Governor, put an end to the Bank Financial Services Act for illegal aliens, otherwise known as The Bank on California Program.  Do it now.

Call and write Governor Schwarzenegger and demand that "Bank on California" be dismantled immediately. 

Governor's Office Telephone 916-445-4571 Fax: 916-558-3160

Special Thanks to Tony Dolz whose posting aided in the research of this article.

Contact: Tony Dolz at 310-371-7500. Email him at [email protected]