A public forum for illegal aliens, terrorists, gang members, criminals, and any other interested persons.
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05/29/07 Email exchange (unedited as received)
Dear Hal,
I just want to ask why so much hatred between illegal immigrants, if the Anglo are as well immigrants??? Borders or no borders people come to this country to have have a better life. My parents came here illegaly and I thank them 100% percent for risking their lives to come to this wonderful country. I'm showing to them that their hard work has payed off and I am becoming really succesful and going to college. However, I know not everyone seems to think the same way and many Chicanos, or mexican americans that have the opportunity to gain education don't take advantage. Gang violence in Los Angeles is becoming a serious issue, but we can't get angry or fustruated at the Mayor and other organizations that are trying their best to stop it. I, myself have experience the horros of gang violence and I don't think it will end very soon.Gang violence is one of many issues like drug dealing will take years to stop. And about the borders, what good will it make building a border??? Keeping people out of the United States is not a soulution. I don't see Latin American countries closing their doors at U.S cittizens.

Dear Angie91
You have made some classical "think stopper" statements and asked some classical "think stopper" questions. A "think stopper" is a conjectural accusation or name calling that stops discussion, paralyzes thinking, and halts argument and conversation. In the 16th century the word was "heretic" – today it's words like "racist" or "xenophobe."

The fact that your parents came here illegally from Mexico (my wife did also) doesn't make it right for all times. Australia was build by convicts exiled from England. That doesn't mean that Australia should always welcome convicts.

Humans, just like animals, have two basic defense systems -- fight or flight. When the choices are to fight your own corrupt government for your rights and a better life or accept America's virtual invitation to migrate illegally without any punitive consequences, the choice is obvious. Perhaps if our immigration laws had always been enforced, your parents would have made the choice to fight for a better life in Mexico.

True, you are very lucky that your parents' decision to break the law culminated in your being a citizen of the greatest country in the world (for now). But some parents who immigrate illegally have children that turn out to be criminals and gang members. While the majority of illegal immigrants are not criminals beyond breaking our immigration laws, the problem is that when people come to the U.S without permission, there is no way to tell the "good" illegal aliens from the "bad" ones.

What planet are you on to think that Mayor Villaraigosa is doing everything that he can to stop gang violence? The Mayor fights every effort to cooperate with the federal government in deporting illegal alien gang members. When he was a councilman before he was mayor, he voted to have ex-cop councilman Dennis Zine go to Washington to lobby against the CLEAR act.

Your statement that you don't see Latin American countries closing their doors to U.S. citizens shows a disconnect in your logic. If you are talking about tourism, the U.S does not close its doors to any citizen of a Latin American country. If you are talking about immigration, that's quite different. If the U.S. enforced its immigration laws as Mexico does, we wouldn't be discussing the immigration problem now.

If the U.S. were to take your advice to allow just anyone who wanted, to immigrate to the U.S., the world's 6 billion impoverished persons would turn the U.S. into a third world hell in short order.

I hope you will rethink the issue.
05/30/07 Email exchange
Dear Hal,
I am a naturalized citizen, however, I am tired of having to pay taxes, pay auto insurance, register my vehicle, get a driver's license, pay for high health care premiums etc.   Could I go to Mexico and demand instant citizenship so I could start receiving benefits?   Should I get a Mexican ID  before I go??   Please advise.

Dear SAJ
Unlike the U.S., Mexico has strict immigration laws which they strictly enforce. Mexico does not dole out citizenship easily as does the U.S. But even if Mexico would give you citizenship, you wouldn't get benefits anyway because unlike the U.S., Mexico does not dole out a myriad of social benefits.
06/03/07 Email exchange
Dear Hal,
A friend of mind has been here 7 years working and making good money and recently had his workers authorization denied. Now he has lost everything he worked for an doesn't know what to do. One of the things he needs now is drivers license. Should he go to another state and try to get it? Get married or have his mom get married and petition for him(hes 20)? And which states are offering drivers license to illegals and where can they find someone wiling to marry for pay?

Dear Sweet9,
Tell your friend he doesn't need a license to drive. Thousands of illegal aliens drive without licenses. Driving without a license makes sense because you never have to worry about having your driver's license suspended. If your friend is stopped by a cop, the worst that can happen is that they will impound his car and make him walk home. That's why your friend should always drive an old jalopy not worth more than $500. That way if his car gets impounded, he will be able to afford another jalopy.
06/04/07 Email exchange
Dear Hal,
I'm a poor Mexican who needs a job in the U.S. If the Senate's guest worker provision of the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" bill is past, I'm not sure I want to go through all that "red tape" of signing up as a temporary guest worker  in a union hall type of office here in Mexico and then wait to hear from a U.S. "willing employer." On the other hand, if I sneak into the U.S. like all my brothers have in the past, I will have to pay a smuggler almost $3,000. What's your advice?

Dear Poor Mexican,
You can have your cake and eat it too. Sign up for the guest worker program. That way you won't have to make the  dangerous trek to cross the border and you won't have to pay a smuggler anything because your "willing employer" will foot the travel expenses for you. Once your are in the U.S., just go AWOL. That way you can live anywhere in the U.S. and work for any employer who will pay you off the books.

You don't have to worry about ICE tracking you down. According to the USCIS' (U.S. Citizenship $ Immigration Service) website, the law requires all non-citizens such as legal resident aliens to report their change of address within 10 days of moving. This existing law is not enforced and totally ignored by Homeland Security. There is no reason to believe that Homeland Security will be able to keep track of you or the thousands of "temporary" Guest Workers. And in 20 years from now (if Iran doesn't start a nuclear war) when there are 30 ie 40 millions of illegal aliens like yourself, the Senate will declare thet the immigration system is broken and you will get amensty.
06/04/07 Email exchange
Dear Hal,
I am a "willing employer." I was just reading the last guy's email to you and discovered that if I enter the guest worker program as a "willing employer," that I would have to pay the transportation costs of my "willing worker." What should I do?

Dear "willing employer,"
You not only will have to pay the transportation costs to the U.S., but you will also have to pay your "willing worker" scale wages and provide health insurance and housing. To avoid these expenses, your best bet is to hire conventional illegal aliens and pay them off the books.
06/04/07 Email exchange
Dear Hal,
Why is it so difficult for Mexicans to understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration. It seems as though every other nationality (for the most part) migrates legally. Is there a stupidity factor or do they need a chip implanted at birth?
No Name

Dear No Name,
Mexicans and other illegals do understand the difference between legal and illegal.
It's the president and the congress that don't understand the difference.
06/18/07 Email exchange
Dear Hal,
Is there any way to help an illegal alien to get his car out of impound? Is there a way to transfer title to someone (US Citizen with a driver's license) willing to help? Would appreciate any advice.

Dear Mclan,
Anyone can get their car out of impound if they have the money to pay for towing and storage. But the illegal should have title of ownership and have a licensed driver with him, as the car won't be released to a non-licensed driver. Once the car is released, it can be transferred to someone else. If the illegal doesn't have ownership of the car, he's out of luck. He should just buy another jalopy.
06/19/07 Email exchange
Dear Hal,
My wife is illegal here but I am an American, what should I do to get her legal here and I would like to bring here kids here also?

Dear mrparks1
You blew it by not petitioning for your wife before you married her when she was in Mexico (or where ever) or pretending that she was there and petitioning for her with a fiance petition. Under the immigration laws, a guy who is an American citizen who meets a hot chick (or a hunk if a gal) in another country, can fill out the said form and get a visa for your fiance in about four to six months. She will then get right in front of the line to come to the U.S. (if she's not already here). But there is a slight catch: once in the U.S., you have to get married within 90 days or she goes back. Once you marry, she gets a conditional green card that must be validated in two years after you marry. That cuts down on phony marriages. But you will have to leave her kids in her country.

If you got married in your wife's country, petition for her by downloading a form I-130. If you are a U.S. citizen (line 13), you will get preferential treatment, especially if you hound your congressperson.

If you got married in the U.S., you will have to hide that from the USCIS, as they may deport her for admitting she was in the U.S. illegally at the time you were married. Your best bet is to pretend that you are not married and petition for her with a fiance petition as if she is in her country, described above. Then when she gets her visa, marry her again.

Once the records indicate that you got married, you can adopt the kids. Adopted children receive instant citizenship.
06/19/07 Email exchange
Dear Hal,
I am a Palestinian terrorist living in Mexico. I saw the last guys posting and was wondering if I could take advantage of a Fiance petition to get into the U.S. with the proper papers.

Dear Islamic Terrorist,
The national organization, MEChA, is a Chicano organization sympathetic to Palestinians -- they even call themselves American Palestinians. You should contact a Mechista (female MEChA member) to arrange for her to petition for you using the Fiance petition. You probably won't even have to pay her (with money that is). Being married to a U.S. citizen, you can even become a naturalized U.S. citizen in three years after marriage as opposed to five years for ordinary green card holders.